Answering frequently asked questions

1. Do you ship to my specific country?
Yes, we do ship worldwide.

2. It is free shipping regardless to my order?
No, you must buy one offer with advertised free shipping or to purchase in total amount of 400 Euro or 499 USD$.

3. Is this the original product Gerovital H3 by Ana Aslan?
Yes, we are supplied by the original Romanian manufacturers: Farmec S.A. the cosmetics and Sicomed S.A.- Zentiva 
A SANOFI COMPANY the tablets and the injections. 

4. Long term use of the Romanian Gerovital H3 can cause unwanted side-effects, addiction or overdose?
No, there are no side effects whatsoever while the Romanian Gerovital H3 product is non-addictive and has no reported overdose unless injecting huge quantities by mistake.

5. Is it the Romanian Gerovital H3 an effective and safe antidepressant?
Yes, the Romanian Gerovital H3 is a safe antidepressant recommended for light depressive syndromes while it has not the usual multiple dangerous side effects of the traditional antidepressant drugs.